Should you require additional space over and above the space made available per Office 365 user, then this can be purchased on a per gigabyte (GB) per month basis.
(Previously Office 365 Business Premium) You get all the features of Business Basic, plus: Installable versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook Option to work offline and upload changes to…
Web and mobile versions of Office apps only Chat, call, and meet with Microsoft Teams from laptop, tablet, or phone Allow clients to book appointments with the Microsoft Bookings app Microsoft Forms, Lists, and Planner to manage…
Features Email for casual or deskless worker roles like frontline users Contacts Calendaring 2Gb Anti-malware Anti-spam Shared Mailboxes Group Mailboxes.
Microsoft Exchange Online Archiving is a Microsoft 365 cloud-based, enterprise-class archiving solution for organizations. As a Microsoft online service, Exchange Online Archiving is designed to help meet the need for…